How to Never Lose Your Keys Again With Keysmart Pro With Tile™ Smart Location
Dec 18, 2017 at 9:17 am EDT | By Smarter Brain Network

You might be thinking that you already have a keychain. But it probably doesn’t compare to this new futuristic keychain. Here's a fact everyone can agree upon: bulky keychains are both unsightly and cumbersome to handle. Not to mention, they won't protect your pockets from getting shredded to bits by your expansive key collection.
That's where the KeySmart Pro comes in. This handy key organizer offers a simple, elegant solution for organizing your keys – allowing you to eliminate your keychain for good.
Let's start with the basics: this durable key holder can hold up to 14 keys in a compact fashion, and is durable to boot. It consists of two 3mm thick plates made of aircraft grade aluminum, meaning you won't have to worry about handling it with kid gloves.
Do you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat worrying about how bulky and unsightly your keychain is? Of course not. But when something as cool as this key organizer comes along, it makes you stop and take a second look at your bulky, leg-poking, annoyingly archaic keychain. I mean, there’s gotta be something better, right? Well, there is!
Introducing The Future Of Keychains!
It’s called KeySmart Pro– THE Original Key Organizer With Tile™ Smart Location. KeySmart’s patented ‘S’ design allows it to hold 14 keys + your key fob! Which also gives it that tight, sleek, compact ‘Swiss-Style’ look and feel.

More than 2 MILLION Sold in 173 countries!
And when you see how tight and compact Keysmart Pro is, it’s hard not to be impressed – and easy to understand why it’s so popular.

But here’s the deal…
Do not let its simple and sleek look fool you! KeySmart Pro is durable and and built to last too! When you hold and feel the sturdiness of a KeySmart for the first time, you’ll know you’re holding quality craftsmanship!
Easily Customize Your KeySmart Pro To Make A Handy Multipurpose Tool!
With a number of cool accessories to choose from, you can instantly turn your boring keychain into a nifty, multi-useful tool. Here are just a few…

Where Can I Get One?
You can get your very own KeySmart by simply going to their website here.
Deep Discounts Still Available!
As of Saturday, February 24th 2018 KeySmart is still offering great deals that let you get them as low as $29.99 when you buy more than 1!
Plus, each KeySmart Pro comes with a FREE Loop Piece to easily attach your key fob and a FREE 14-Key Expansion Pack!
KeySmart makes for a unique but practical gift that just about anyone could benefit from!