What is Official Letter From Santa 2018
And with each Official Letter From Santa, your child receives so much more. Personalized especially for the recipient, you can even include customized text to tailor the letter to your child's life. Imagine the thrill your child will feel, realizing that Santa has taken a special interest in him or her.
Every Official letter from Santa is printed on Official Santa Claus Stationary, unique to Santa Claus House - in fact, Santa has been using the same stationery with only minor changes, since 1960, continuing a tradition that adds to the letter's believability and magic. Each letter is postmarked and mailed from Santa Claus House in North Pole, Alaska, and more importantly, each letter is backed by a real address, where children can visit Santa, and even write back to the Jolly Old Elf.
Each letter also includes a jumbo sticker, proclaiming the bearer to be "on Santa's Good List; an exclusive, keepsake "Santa Dollar;" and a full-color keepsake photo of Santa. And of course, every Santa letter is stamped with our trademark "Santa's Official Mail" seal and a genuine North Pole postmark.
It's never too late to start a family tradition, and the Official Letter From Santa can be customize to suit multiple occasions and circumstances, including letters specifically designed for baby's first Christmas, toddlers, adults, and non-believers, as well as for children facing tumultuous times in their lives. With all of his reindeer to care for, Santa is certainly an animal lover, and he hasn't forgotten the family pet: special versions of the Original Letter from Santa are even available for that special pampered family dog or cat.
More than one child at the same address? You can order in multiple package for your loved ones.
The Official Letter from Santa is truly an heirloom that will be packed away from year to year, handed down to that special child when they have a home of their own. Shared with their own children, your gift of an Official Letter from Santa will be the foundation of a favorite tradition that will help many generations to experience firsthand the unique, pure, unadulterated joy of the true Christmas Spirit.
With Official Letter From Santa, you will get not just the letter, but with Santa Map to show your child the location of North Pole from your house, Santa Nice List and Nice List Certificates embossed with golden Santa seal.
New this year, Santa’s Map shows your child his directions from the North Pole to your house!

Personalize letter From Santa directly to your child at your home. This letter is Postmarked from the North Pole* and printed on official Santa Claus stationery.
Get Your Official Letters From Santa in Only 3 Easy Step
Step 1
Customize your letter by adding your child's name, friends name and address so that we can prepare an exclusive personalised Official Letters From Santa for you.

Step 2
Complete your order by confirming your address and checkout from our site. It is 100% safe and secured, since we are using Norton Shopping Guarantee. Please untick the box of tracking shipment if you do not want the tracking number to enjoy the FREE shipping.
You will get your confirmation mail shortly after you complete the purchase.
Step 3
Thats all. The special Official Letters From Santa, which is inclusive of Santa Map, Santa Nice List, Letter From Santa and Nice List Certificates will be delivered to your doorstep. You children will be very happy with this special gifts from you.
How Much is Official Letter From Santa
For a limited time, we are offering exclusive 30% discount for the complete set of Official Letters From Santa which consists of Official Letters From Santa Letter, Santa Map, Santa Nice List and Santa Nice List Certificate for only $17.99. It is inclusive of FREE shipping in United States. Please untick the box of tracking shipment if you do not want the tracking number to enjoy the FREE shipping. This offer is only available online.
If you order more than 1 Official Letter From Santa, you will get extra 30% for each letters. So, aside from your children, you can send it to his classmates and close friends as well. Imagine their happiness, when they received such a meaningful gifts from you. Its priceless and memorable for many years to come.

Just want to say thank you to Official Letters From Santa… my daughter still has her letter from Santa next to her bed! I cant believe it!
Amber Brantley, TN

I was so happy to see the excitement on my sons face when I gave him his letter! He loved seeing his name next to his friends on the good list….
Becky Walthers, IL

My 7 year old daughter's face lit up with pure excitement when she received her package...She couldn't believe that Santa wrote a letter specifically for her! Thank you so much!
Michelle Turner, CA
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